Saylor Academy | I Heart Moodle Series

EduClick_España’s insight:
A strong, and well-informed community is the core foundation of any non-profit organization. Thanks to Moodle’s open source model, Saylor Academy has been able to open up their services to an unlimited number of learners, allowing their community to grow, and strengthen. As a non-profit organization, it was important to them to be inclusive of anyone who wished to learn, participate, and help their cause. Saylor Academy is committed to the transition towards an open education ecosystem. It was important to them, as an open source course provider, to work with an open source LMS hosting vendor. It seems fitting then, that they recently moved to Moodle to deliver their 93 courses. Before moving to Moodle, Saylor had two main objectives; First, mass student feedback told them there was a dire need for additional features to their existing courses; Second, there was an internal desire for more effective courses in educating learners, and allowing them to achieve their personal goals. Moodle helped them achieve both of these goals.


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